Keep Pedaling

TJ Waldorf
Reading Time: 2 minutes

March 21, 2020

My posts are not dated or time-stamped by default, but I’m making a point to date this one.

Why am I dating this particular post? It’s because we’re currently living in unprecedented times. The exponential spread of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced us to re-think some of the most mundane tasks and activities. I’d venture to guess that more people are washing their hands now than any other time in history. 

There’s plenty of news about what’s going on right now so I don’t intend to pile on. Instead, I’m reminded of an analogy I use in the business environment for getting people on the same page and everyone ‘rowing’ in the same direction- “Row the Boat”. I borrowed it from former Western Michigan football coach, PJ Fleck (now coach of the Minnesota Golden Gophers). 

A year ago, at a business event, I used an image like this as I explained the idea.

The last few weeks have tested our abilities to come together as teams and do everything we can to keep rowing the boat, maybe more now than ever. These times have also tested us personally, at home, with our friends, families and loved ones. Many of us are working from home while also home schooling. Some are out of jobs because their companies and industries are being forced to shut down. So, while I will continue to use ‘row the boat’ at work, I’ll also use ‘pedal the bike’ at home. 

Everyone will need to adapt, turn corners, slow down, speed up, and bunny hop over cracks in the pavement.

Hear me out….

For some period of time, we’ll need to continue navigating the pressures and uncertainties of COVID-19. We won’t always be together (in the same boat), but will need to find even the smallest areas of momentum to keep our personal ‘bikes’ moving forward, upright, and ready to react to the oncoming terrain . And, we need to be there to support those who feel like they’re losing momentum and need a little boost to get them moving again.

What are some ways we can keep pedaling? Here are a few thoughts:

  • Be positive and optimistic as much as possible. This will pass, so let’s make lemonade with these lemons.
  • Reach out to people who may be struggling with the first bullet.
  • Get outside and get some fresh air (but practice social distancing).
  • Read, write, sing, dance. Express yourself in whatever ways you enjoy while you spend a bit more time at home.
  • Pick up a new hobby.
  • Get that spring cleaning done you’ve been procrastinating.

Lastly, check out this message from Mr. Alright, Alright, Alriiiiiiihgt. It’s a good one.

Keep pedaling,

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