Sell the Dream

TJ Waldorf
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Customers don’t really care about features and benefits, they care about their problems and how they can solve them. In other words, what’s going to make their life and/or business better?

In my world, we get lots of questions about price, and many times, it’s hard to divert the focus away from it. So how do we overcome this challenge?


Often times, conversations with leads and customers will include cues, or hints at what they really want. Mentions of network, reliability, support, etc are all cues we should be using to frame the conversation. Keep an eye out for these cues and work toward focusing on what the customer is really after.


There’s also something called ‘relative value’ to consider in your conversations. Relative value is essentially the perceived value a customer places on a solution to their problem, relative to the cost of that solution. As an example, a customer that is not happy with their current provider’s network will likely place a certain value on getting more reliability.

So if they are paying $100/mo for not-so-great service now, it may be worth $150/mo to solve that problem. The customer is placing a relative value of $50 on greater reliability from their network. Solving this problem is the best use of that additional $50, from the customer’s perspective. After all, they could choose to spend that money on a number of different things, but because this is important to them right now, it’s the best use of it.

As a sales team, it’s our job to identify that relative perceived value and convey our capability to fulfill the need in a way that is very easy and efficient.

TAKE ACTION: Sell a picture of success, look for cues to frame your conversations, and leverage the idea of relative value to help customers make good decisions.

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