Sell the Dream

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 2 minutesARE YOU PAINTING A PICTURE OF SUCCESS WITH YOUR LEADS AND CUSTOMERS? Customers don’t really care about features and benefits, they care about their problems and how they can solve…

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Screw up… It’s okay.

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 1 minuteScrewing up sucks. It actually sucks really bad sometimes. But the majority of screw-ups are not the end of the world. Learn from the mistake, move on, and be a…

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Are you a hedgehog or a fox?

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 1 minuteIn Jim Collins’ best seller ‘Good to Great’, he talks about something he and his team of researchers refer to as ‘The Hedgehog Concept’. Here are the core ideas in…

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Mind Push-Ups

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 1 minuteMulti-vari analysis, statistical process control, Chi square, Type I errors…….Phew! Over the last two months I’ve been studying to take the Six Sigma Green Belt Certification exam (CSSGB). If you’re…

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Customer Retention Starts Now!

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 1 minuteCustomer retention is widely known as that desperate, last ditch effort to save an unsatisfied customer from taking their business elsewhere. This is reality folks. We work so damn hard…

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Think….Then Speak.

TJ Waldorf

Reading Time: 1 minuteWe are all blabber mouths. 98% of people like to hear themselves talk, so they do a lot of it (fake statistic for entertainment purposes). Too often, however, we talk…

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